Congress Heights on the Rise

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For Immediate Release:

February 18, 2009

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New East of the River Community Group Promises

Fresh Ideas to Old Problems

Washington, D.C. – (February 18, 2009) — The images that flash across the late local news would lead most to believe Ward 7 is a crime-ridden, hopeless and miserable place to live. If you read the morning newspapers, Ward 8 is depicted as a poverty-stricken violent section of town, caught between helplessness and despair. But a group of forward-thinking leaders from these communities -- residents and business owners -- are joining forces to change this perception. They want to show that despite negative news reports that have led to inaccurate stereotypes, neighborhoods east of the Anacostia River are vibrant, strong and great places to live, work and invest.

To aid in this effort, the River East Emerging Leaders (R.E.E.L.), “a progressive network created to enlighten, engage and empower our River East community” (also known as East of the River), will host a kick-off meet and mingle social on Thursday, February 19, 2009 at the Honfleur Art Gallery in SE Washington, D.C.

The event aims to bring like-minded individuals together who want to work collaboratively with counterparts in both wards to offer fresh solutions to help solve social and economic ills that have plagued these communities for generations.

The newly-formed organization will initially target three important areas to create a grassroots coalition to:

build a robust infrastructure for communications, including the Web, blogs, listservs, community forums and social events;

develop public-private partnerships to provide needed services and programs for residents and business owners;

assist and promote economic growth and investment in the greater River East community

“This group is for the young or young at heart leaders of the community, who believe like we do that we must show the other side of River East - a side often not highlighted in the evening news,” said Charles Wilson, community leader and one of the organizers of the event. “With the spirit of ‘change’ in the air, it’s time to tap into our power to be the ‘change’ we need in our community.”

Invited guest for the two-hour launch include Mayor Adrian Fenty; Ward 7 Councilmember Yvette Alexander, Ward 8 Councilmember Marion Barry; Council Chairman Vincent Gray (Ward 7 resident); At-Large Councilmembers: Kwame R. Brown (Ward 7 resident), David Catania, Ron Brown, Phil Mendelson, and a host of Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners and civic association leaders.

“Whether you were born and raised in any of the River East communities or moved here yesterday, we want you to come out, meet new friends and have a great time,” said Nikki Peele, a community organizer, who will be one of the moderators at Thursday’s event. “It’s about building partnerships within and outside of the River East community. Together we can make a difference.”

The Honfleur Art Gallery

will host R.E.E.L.’s kick-off event on February 19, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. The gallery is located at 1241 Good Hope Rd, SE, Washington, D.C. 20020. The phone number is 202-580-5972. Attendees will have an opportunity to socialize with other residents and business owners and share their thoughts on community needs.

While R.E.E.L. was specifically created to cater to residents of Wards 7 and 8, it is open to any progressive individual who want to be a part of positive change in this community.

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Conceived by a group of concerned citizens from Washington, D.C.’s Wards 7 and 8 communities, the River East Emerging Leaders (R.E.E.L.) is a progressive network created to enlighten, engage and empower our River East neighborhoods through development of strong and healthy bonds between residents, business owners and government; stimulating interest in the general welfare and activities of the community; bridging generational divides between new and established residents to affect needed change; and fostering open dialogues that leads to solutions for community growth and investment. To learn more information about R.E.E.L., e-mail the organization at


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