Congress Heights on the Rise

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The Patron/Belvedere Shrine is no more!

Initially this was set up by some in memory of a summer time shooting victim. It quickly became a tribute to the patron saints of Patron and Belvedere .

For months this shrine sat under a tree on the coner of Newcomb Street and MLK directly across a known drug spot. Today it was finally removed -much to the joy of residents and it is ony assumed to the sadness of of those who constructed the shrine in memory of their fallen friend.

The above photo is from the shrine at it's halfway point. In the end it had about twice the amount of liquour bottles, stuffed animals and in the very end statues of saints.

After notifying the family a few weeks ago of it's impending removal DPW with the assistance of MPD removed the shrine today. According to the city these types of roadside shrines are illegal and have to be removed.