Congress Heights on the Rise

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New Year, New ANC Terms, ReNewed Focus

Today, Jan 2nd is a special day. All over the city newly elected and relected Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners are converging on the Washington Convention Center to be sworn in for their 2009 - 2010 terms.

ANCs serve a very important roles in our community,in our neighborhoods and on our streets. ANCS are given the very important responsibility to service their community, to represent the needs of those that have entrusted them with their vote and their voice.

In the spirit of this historic year of change, progress and unity Congress Heights On The Rise invites Ward 8 residents everywhere to rededicate themselves to their ANCs. To not only just attend ANC meetings but bring their family, friends and neighbors to meetings and to assist and when necessary hold their ANC responsible.

Over the next week we will be highlighting Ward 8 ANCs as well as providing information on the history of ANCs, their purpose and where meetings are held. Next week will be the first ANC meetings of the year and we invite all residents to come out and attend.

Best Wishes and a Happy New Year!

-The Advocate

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