Congress Heights on the Rise

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The King Day of Service is a way to transform Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and teachings into community service that helps address social problems. On this day, Americans of every age and background celebrate Dr. King through service projects that strengthen communities, empower individuals and break down barriers.

On Monday, January 19, 2009, to commemorate the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service and to honor his memory, you are invited to join Mayor Adrian M. Fenty and Serve DC, the Mayor’s Office on Volunteerism, in partnership with Operation Gratitude and Target, and thousands of volunteers from across the country in assembling care packages for our Military. Sign up here.

"A Day of Service for Our Military" will provide the opportunity for you to show your support to those who serve our country. Sign up now to volunteer for a shift, lasting approximately one hour, to assemble care packages. Care package assembly will take place inside a heated tent on the field of the historic Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium in Washington, DC.

Monday, January 19, 2009
10 am to 5 pm

Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium Stadium/Armory Metro Station–Orange and Blue Lines
Use of the Metro is strongly encouraged. Parking around the stadium will not be available.