Congress Heights on the Rise

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From the DC Office of Planning:

The Neighborhood Investment Fund (NIF) is an annual non-lapsing, revolving fund to finance economic development and neighborhood revitalization in 12 target neighborhoods. The NIF is funded through an annual appropriation of 17 percent of a personal property tax, not to exceed $10 million.

One of the requirements of the enabling legislation, the Neighborhood Investment Act of 2004, is for the Mayor to develop NIF Investment Plans for each of the target area using input from community stakeholders including the Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners, residents, business owners, faith community, not for profit organizations, among other groups. The purpose of the Investment Plan is to set community priorities for how the NIF funds should be utilized in the target area over a five year period.

The District of Columbia Office of Planning in partnership with the NIF Program’s implementing agency, the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, are working with community stakeholders to develop an investment plan for Congress Heights target area, which is defined as the area bounded by a line starting at Mississippi Avenue, SE, and 13th Street, SE, and running north along 13th Street, SE, to Alabama Avenue, SE, the west along Alabama Avenue, SE, to the southwestern boundary of the St. Elizabeth's campus, then northwest along the southwest boundary of the St. Elizabeth's campus, then on a line parallel to Lebaum Street, SE, to Interstate 295, then southwest along Interstate 295 to a line parallel to 4th Street, SE, then along a line parallel to 4th Street, SE. to 4th Street, SE, then along 4th Street, SE, to Mississippi Avenue, SE, then along Mississippi Avenue, SE, to the starting point.

The Office of Planning published the draft Target Area Investment Plan for a 30 day public comment period which ended on September 25, 2008. A copy of the revised plan based on public comment was submitted to the District of Columbia Council for review and approval on October 7, 2008.

To view the final draft plan, select the link below
Congress Heights Neighborhood Investment Fund Plan*

To view documents from the Community Meetings, select the link below:
May 21: Meeting No. 1 Notes and Comments*
June 10: Meeting No. 2 Notes and Comments*

For more information contact Evelyn Kasongo, Neighborhood Planning Coordinator, DC Office of Planning, by mail at 801 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 4000, Washington, DC 20002; by telephone at (202) 442-7600; fax at (202) 442-7638; or by email