Congress Heights on the Rise

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What is going on in Shepherd Park?

Recently, every time I pass Shepherd Park (corner of MLK and Malcolm X Ave) I notice the park is fast spiraling once again into a public "hangout" with many more adults than children in the park. There also appear to be homeless sleeping in the park. The litter is also back.

The community with the assistance of the horseshoe pitcher's club had made some progress in the park but the public drinkers are back in the park as are the milk crates that the National Park Service said are no longer allowed as well as the drug dealing at the end of the park. The park as once again become a blight on the community.

I personally support the Horseshoe Pitcher's club that have set up pits in the park (once I found out that they had adopted the park and the surrounding streets for cleanup) but I have to join the concerns of my neighbors who are concerned that no children are seen playing horseshoes. In fact that entire area of the park does not seem (on it's face) to be inviting to non horseshoe players or their card playing friends.

My advice - put an IMMEDIATE stop to the public drinking and invite the community (especially the children) into the park ASAP (perhaps a family fun day). If the community begins to associate the problems in the park to the Horseshoe Pitcher's club there may be a rally from the community to relocate the pitcher's out of the park.

Does anyone have any information about Shepherd Park?