Upcoming Ward 8 Community Meetings
In order to improve our community we have to be involved in community efforts. This includes community meetings. Please come out (and bring your family, neighbors and friends) and PARTICIPATE. FYI - citizens are allowed to record public meetings as long as the recording process is not intrusive.
Saturday, July 19
- Ward Eight Democrats 12pm - 2pm - Washington Highlands Library, 115 Atlantic St SE. All registered Democrats in Ward 8 are automaticallymembers of the Ward Eight Democrats, Inc.(WED) and no dues are required. The WED meetsthe third Saturday of each month, noon to 2 pm, atthe Washington Highlands Library
Tuesday July 22
Thursday, July 24
- Far Southeast Family Strengthening Collaborative 7pm - 8:30pm - Held at various locations. Contact Lamont Bomar 202.889.1425. FSFSC's mission is to act as a catalyst to develop, nurture and sustain partnerships of residents, agencies and institutions in the Southeast community and to create a healthy socioeconomic environment through which every child and family has an opportunity to achieve their maximum potential and to lead a productive life. Visit their website, http://www.fsfsc.org/
- PSA 702 Monthly Meeting 6:30pm - 8pm - Faith Tabernacle of Prayer, 2465 Alabama Ave. SE.
- ANC 8D 7pm - 9pm - Hadley Memorial Hospital, 4601 MLK Avenue SW. The Advisory Neighborhood Commissions consider a wide range of policies and programs affecting their neighborhoods, including traffic, parking, recreation, street improvements, liquor licenses, zoning, economic development, police protection, sanitation and trash collection, and the District's annual budget.In each of these areas, the intent of the ANC legislation is to ensure input from an advisory board that is made up of the residents of the neighborhoods that are directly affected by government action. The ANCs are the body of government with the closest official ties to the people in a neighborhood.The ANCs present their positions and recommendations on issues to various District government agencies, the Executive Branch, and the Council. They also present testimony to independent agencies, boards, and commissions, usually under the rules of procedure specific to those entities. By law, the ANCs may also present their positions to Federal agencies.To assist ANCs, agency officials, and the general public, a searchable database of letters written by the Office of the Attorney General on ANC issues is now available.The Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (OANC), which provides technical support to the 37 ANCs, is located in Room 8 of the Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, 20004. The office can be reached at (202) 727-9945 and may also be contacted by email.For assistance in locating your Ward and ANC please contact the Board of Elections at (202) 727-2525. You may also consult the online DC Guide for this information.