Congress Heights on the Rise

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Go Go Gadget Graffiti

I've been waring with the local spray paint vandals. They put it up - I contact DPW to take it down. This game of cat and mouse would be much more interesting and dramatic if DPW didn't move at the speed of frozen molasses. Speed Erasers they are not.

I don't know what frustrates me more ...

That DPW takes 6 weeks to remove graffiti and close out a service ticket.

That when DPW comes out to remove the graffiti they will literally walk past or over other graffiti and won't remove it either. I've been debating laying out a trail of "now or laters" directly to the graffiti. If that doesn't work I can set up my own DPW trap. Just need to figure out what to use as bait.

That after they take 6 weeks and finally come out and remove the graffiti that they act like you have now used your yearly "get out of graffiti free" card. Don't even think about asking them to come back out and remove more graffiti - even if they neglected to remove all of it the first time. If graffiti appreciated with time the graffiti in my alley would have it's own security detail and red velvet rope.

And if you are thinking that if you contact the head of DPW you would get a faster response you have another thing coming. I've exchanged emails with Director Howland himself and while he was apologetic about the less than speedy and complete response the graffiti is still there...mocking me... taunting me. I woke up the other night screaming "Go Go Gadget!" Okay I jest but you get the drift. :)

I think that what I may start doing is editing the local pieces of graffiti for spelling and grammar. While I give my local taggers high marks for ingenuity (they can spell "Murder" about 8 different ways). God bless them but they haven't stumbled into a complete sentence in their lives and wouldn't know a preposition if it stood up and did a freestyle.

Now I just have to choose a tag name. :)