Congress Heights on the Rise

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🏆 Jan 11 | Walk Your Neighborhood with Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick



Q1: What is this event about? 

This is a no-strings free walking group for men and women of all abilities to walk for our health and to forge stronger community bonds. 

Q2: What are the walking details? 

The specific meetup location within the plaza will be emailing out to those who RSVP. We will commence with the walk no later than 3:10 PM. The walking route has been mapped to promote engagement and will last 45 - 60 minutes. There will be a brief health chat over cocoa/tea/coffee to wrap-up. The whole meetup should last an hour and a half. 

Q3: Weather Clause 

The weather projection is saying there is a 50% chance of snow precipitation. In which case, the walk will still carry-on. If there is a downpour of actual rain then the event may be cancelled. Cancellation will not be determined until an hour before. 

Q4. Who is organizing this event? 

Ward 8 residents - no one person leads this event. This walking group is meant to exist as a cooperative shared among those who participate. 

Q4: What is the date of the next walking group? 

TBD based on those who show up Jan 11. 

-> Click video below to be reminded of the benefits of walking! 

Questions/Suggestions please email