Congress Heights on the Rise

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🥑Eat Love, Eat a Rainbow! Join the Eat Love Campaign [SP]

In April 2019, my dear friend believed he was destined to follow his father's fate as a double amputee due to type 2 diabetes. He was taking two insulin shots daily and struggling to maintain a balanced diet. I convinced him that his type 2 diabetes could be reversed.  I did some research and put together an evidence-based curriculum for reversing type 2 diabetes. I prepared fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, and lean meats for my dear friend. Two weeks later, my friend received the news from his doctor, "You are no longer diabetic. I'm taking you off your insulin."

April 2020 marks his one-year anniversary. As we celebrate his triumph over type 2 diabetes, I want to help more people. I want to show people how to select and prepare healthy foods for a family on a tight budget of $20.00. I want to help people believe it is possible for them to reverse food-driven disorders like type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and high blood pressure – without supplements but with loving colorful plant-based foods. In fact, “…adding color to your meals will help you live a longer, healthier life[.]” according to Katherine D. McManus, Director of the Department of Nutrition and Director of the Dietetic Internship at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School in Boston ( And phytonutrients (the pigments in fruits and vegetables) can lower the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer according to a meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Epidemiology ( Since reading science journals can be out of reach for vulnerable populations who may not be comfortable extracting interpretations from scholarly literature. I am honored to be a bridge to helpful information. 

I believe preparing food is a sacred act that should involve celebration and most importantly, the feeling of love should be incorporated into the food. The original goal of the Eat Love Campaign was to have group cooking celebrations that would infuse live music, dancing, poetry, meditation, and yoga in Ward 8. But after COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on public gatherings were enforced, I pivoted to an online campaign. I want to engage all ages of people in Ward 8 and beyond. I’m looking to connect with wellness stakeholders and social media influencers to help get the word out and “flatten the curve” by promoting the benefits of eating loving foods like fruits and vegetables of all different colors to enhance the consumption of phytonutrients.

🥑 Tag and hashtag #EatLoveCampaign to join the campaign. And for more information visit, send an email to and interact with me on social media at Instagram @Avocado_Wellness@EatLoveCampaign; Twitter @AvocadoWellness, and Facebook /DeedraPaulette.

Thank you.